Thursday, February 09, 2006

Munich in Muenchen

Last week I was watching the movie Munich, yes and sitting in a theatre in Muenchen.

Probably everybody knows what the film is about, so will not describe it here.
I liked the film very much, specially was quite overwhelmed by Spielberg's maturity to address the issue. Spielberg could have easily taken the Jeweish stance while making the movie but he did not, like a true story teller, he presented the facts and situations and asked
the audience to decide for themselves.

There are some memorable parts of the film i would like to point out :

1.The conversation between Avner and the Palestinian terrorist where they both justified why each country has the right to have a homeland

2. The paranoia that permeates the world of spies and assassins has been portrayed wonderfully - to the point where every survivor mistrusts everybody else

3. The depressing last sex scene in which Avner fails to use love as fuel to make love to his wife but has to take help from fear and haunted memories to arouse his passion.

Somewhere I had read about Spielberg's comments regarding the movie :

there are people on both sides, terrorists aren't born terrorists, and blood shed is a cycle that keeps on going and never ends so we need to find another way to respond to terrorism Somewhere inside all this intransigence, there has to be a prayer for peace.

Just a few minor details :

The house where the actual attack took place is Conollystrasse 31 at Olypmiapark, Muenchen, and is owned by the Max Planck Society and has been converted to guest house of the MPS ( nobody wanted to buy that house because of many superstitions, funny how superstition works even in
developed 1st world countries ). MPS got the house at a very cheap price from the Munich Olympic Committee. I was there twice to meet some guests of ours and there is a small memorial in front of the house on which was written a few details about the attack with flowers all around it.


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