Saturday, March 04, 2006


A few days back I wrote a post about the snow being patchy this year. Well, the SNOW GOD proved me wrong and took a sweet revenge for my loosetalk. Last few days we have had unbelievable amount of snowfall, and if the weather forecast is to be believed, there will be no stoppage for the next 2 days. so heavy has been the snow that it has thrown the citylife out of gear. Trams and buses had almost stopped running on time and imagine this to happen in a city which gives high priority so that things run smoothly and on time.
In fact at all stations you would hear public apologies for everything being late and people have been working overtime to clear snow from the roads.
I had quite an adventure trying to go for shopping to the supermarket which took me 15 mins ( normally it should take 5 mins only ) and desperately trying not to slip and fall.

Well, not everybody is unhappy and complaining, specially the children are having
a gala time building snowman, driving pulka and rolling on the snow. They love it truly and why not ........


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